Wednesday, November 28, 2007


This week has been a rough one. This past Sunday my ailing maternal grandfather fell out of his hospital bed and fractured his neck. He has a bulky neck brace to stabilize his spine so his spinal cord won't be damaged. I delayed returning to campus and went to the hospital on Monday along with many of my close relatives. He was out of it due to the morphine. He was in severe pain. He had fluid in his lungs so it was hard for him to breathe.

Late Monday night after talking with Antoine and my brother I had overwhelming sense of peace. I heard the Spirit say, "Your grandfather sleeps. He's resting in Me." I was bit scared. I was afraid to ask Him if Pop Pop had passed on. I called my cousin to ask her if there were any changes. There weren't any changes that she had heard. We spent about an hour talking about him and how we would be at peace if Pop passed on to glory because he was suffering badly.

Tuesday morning I got a call from my Mom saying that Pop was doing better. He was talking better though softly. He was feisty as ever. He wanted to go home (go figure!). He slept good. (Now I understood what God meant!).

Today I had an exam scheduled in my Electronics course. I'm not doing well in that course. I just wanted to fail the course so I could move on. I'm a bit burnt out from all this college work. The hard sciences are not my cup of tea. I put more energy in my other courses than I do this one. I spoke with Dr. Brusic my professor today. I believe my words were in the ballpark, "Fail me! I'll be okay!"

Dr. Brusic understood my burnout and my grandfather's ordeal. She lost both her parents to cancer. She gave me time to think about the repercussions of accepting a failing grade. She could've have gone ahead with it failing me, but she assured me that I was good student who does his best in the course and that the material is difficult. I walked out of that room feeling like I have experienced the wondrous grace of God. God really went before me and made a way when I was about to throw in the towel and be relieved with failing the course. I guess the Master has other plans.

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