The GOD in the BIBLE vs. The GOD in the CHURCH
I have just heard one of the most important messages today in my life that I believe has affected my view or the way I view GOD. An assistant minister of the regular bible teacher that serves Bible Campus Ministries, the ministry that I lead, came and gave a Word concerning the subject the GOD in the Bible and the GOD in the church. Now, many will read this and ask " Are they not the same?" Well maybe not. Most Christians tend to shun reading the Old Testament. We tend to view God via Christ in the New Testament, yet most of us REALLY don't even read the New Testament! We read and quote a few passages of Christ and Paul live off of that. But CHRIST being GOD in the FLESH does not change the nature of GOD. HE does not change. We tend to preach on the love and mercy of God. However, what the church does not realize is that the same God that did not tolerate disobedience in the Old covenant is the same in the New Covenant and TODAY. God is HOLY, RIGHTEOUS, JUST, and will JUDGE nations for iniquity, and JUDGMENT begins at the HOUSE of GOD. If we read passages like Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4, we find a GOD who sits on a throne whose presence is glorious to behold. This God is SOVEREIGN and HOLY. HE is PURE and there's none like HIM. We tend to preach and focus too much on one attribute of God thus we get a distorted image of GOD. GOD is not COMMON. HE is TRANSCENDENT, has ALL POWER is in HIS HANDS. HE is ALL KNOWING and TOO HOLY to REGARD or to LOOK UPON INIQUITY. In many of our churches today, we do not have a fear GOD. We honor HIM with our lips but our hearts a far from HIM (Isaiah 29:13 and Matthew 15:8). Yes GOD is a loving and merciful GOD, but HE is WRATHFUL. HIS love and mercy does not negate the fact that we as believers cannot approach HIM in any fashion we so desire. If we read the first five books of the BIBLE, specifically Exodus, Deutoronomy, and Leviticus, GOD was so intolerant of disobedience, HE killed people! Nobody had an opinion or could object, if so would cost them their lives because no one could charge GOD as UNJUST without dying for it. Paul said let GOD be TRUE, but every man a LIAR! They didn't talk back to GOD. They knew that HE'S THE BOSS. Well at least some of them knew HE IS. THANK GOD FOR JESUS!
We must come in the presence of HIS GLORY with fear and trembling, to borrow from Philippians 2:12. GOD is HOLY. We must worship and reverence HIM with a spirit of humility. Many of us today in the churches do not do this. We treat GOD like HE is one of the boys or like that special girlfriend. Now GOD is a FRIEND but HE'S still GOD.
I commented to Sister Rhonda say that we may treat HIM like this because of the way we treat JESUS. JESUS was a MAN that transformed HIS environment and the people around HIM. However, the modern church, preaches a JESUS that is common. HE'S a political progressive or liberal; a hippie who smokes weeds, who is a NONCORMIST to establishment, and preaches LOVE, TOLERANCE and ACCEPTANCE. If we actually read our BIBLES, we will find that the JESUS of the BIBLE is not the JESUS that many of us PREACH! As a result the world gets a distorted view of CHRIST through our words and deeds. They're confused because we, the Church, are confused.
We Christians must be every so careful in how we come to GOD. If GOD is GOD above all else, we must worship HIM as required, in spirit and truth. Yes, HE is the GOD who is our FRIEND, COMFORT, STRENGTH, PEACE, JOY, LOVE, and ALL other things. But is not a man! So we must treat HIM with supreme respect! I pray that the BODY of CHRIST will actually read the WORD not to memorize verses and to flaunt our Christianity before men but to enter into a deeper understanding of GOD and HIS CHARACTER and not to blaspheme HIS NAME so flippantly misrepresenting HIM before the stage of the world. GOD'S GRACE will cover us when we fall, because all fall short of the glory of GOD, however let's not fustrate the GRACE of GOD because our life is but a vapor. GOD doesn't have to keep us alive. That's why our testimony is so important outside the four walls of the CHURCH. GOD is watching us and the world is as well watching us. GOD must be GLORIFIED by how we treat HIM and how we treat others. LET the GOD in the BIBLE be the GOD in the CHURCH. To the GLORY of GOD the FATHER, HIS SON, and the HOLY GHOST! AMEN.
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