Paul informed the Romans that those led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God (Romans 8:14). So the term "Spirit-led" refers to all believers in the Lordship of Christ. Yet these days Spirit-led can be used in a derogatory manner; like a status symbol for "super" Christians. However, to be led by the Spirit is not easy task. It takes the strength of God and a little faith to submit one's will to the Lordship of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ. Submitting to Him exalts the Christ.
Yesterday evening I had an truly amazing and humbling experience. I was in my African American Literature class which usually is held on Mondays from 6:00PM to 9:00PM. I was sitting in my chair when all of a sudden I felt dizzy. I told a couple of people that I was feeling dizzy and maybe I thought this was due to not properly during the day. Then I quietly prayed and asked the Father why I was feeling this way. The Spirit of the Lord told me (please excuse my Pentecostal jargon) to excuse myself and go home. So I did just that and I was praying in the Spirit on my way home.
Once I returned to my dorm room around 8:00PM. I prayed to the Lord and ask Him what was going on. The Spirit told me (again, please excuse the jargon) to enter into worship because there was a Word for me to deliver to my brothers and sisters at Outlet, a worship gathering at a nearby church which occurs Mondays at 9:00PM. I was a bit anxious and the Lord rebuked me to cease from being so and keep worshipping so my flesh would cease so my spirit can hear Him. Disclaimer: For those readers who may think by now that I believe that I receive private revelations from God apart from the Scripture, be not dismayed because I do not! God taught me two months ago, when He speaks to me, He directs me to the Scripture because he does not speak apart from his Word.
Now after worshipping, the Lord put in my remembrance Jeremiah chapter 23. He then directed me to read Jeremiah chapters 42 to 45. If one reads these chapters and chapter 41 one will find a terrible example of Judah's disobedience to the word of the LORD given by Jeremiah. Jeremiah told the remnant of Judah to stay in the land of Judah and not to go into the land of Egypt because God will punish them if the disobeyed. Chapter 42 starts out with the people calling Jeremiah a liar. Then they take him and they disobeyed the word of the LORD and they go into Egypt. In the subsequent chapters GOD not only delivers Egypt into the hands of their enemies, He prophecies that He will destroy Judah for the disobedience and their idolatry and then takes Jeremiah out of Egypt. Only a remnant is spared.
I asked the Lord what was the significance of this passage in the Scripture. The lesson learned is that even the Body of Christ can be deliberately disobedient to the word of the LORD. The significance of Jeremiah 23 is the fact that Israel and Judah had many false prophets and greedy and abusive pastors. If God's people can call HIM a liar when he sends his holy prophets, this may be due to the fact we've been hearing much false doctrine. If we don't have a fellowship with God in His Word and in prayer, we cannot discern the Lord's voice from another. Thereby disobeying HIM. Now Judah hearing false prophets or not are responsible for the choices they made because they knew the law of God. We Christians don't have any excuse to disobey God neither. God is a Just God. If he can hew out the natural branch and graft us in only His grace then we can hewed out as well.
After reading the passage and hearing the Lord, I reminded the Lord that I had a required meeting for residents to attend at 9:00PM. Then God asked me, "Do you trust me?" Then I said, "yes, Father. I trust You." Then He told me that He covered me with His grace and comissioned me to go to that church and delivered His Word to His children. I checked my clock and it was 9:05pm. I got my bible can grabbed my coat and I headed to the church.
I arrived to the church and the brothers and sisters were appropriately singing a song about confession and repentance. When I sat down the Lord dropped the jewel of 2 Chronicles 7:14 in my heart, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turning from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
God opened up a window of opportunity to share this word with my brothers and sisters and I prayed with them. Also two more believers delivered wonderful words of encouragement to the Body. God be praised!!
After that I sat down and was a bit drained. God was really glorified in that place. I count it a privilege to serve the Lord. When I went home I saw my Graduate Assistant. She looked at me and said, "You missed the All-Hall meeting." "Yes, Ma'am" I said. She was taking back a bit. Then I told her that I just came back from helping a few friends out and that it was an emergency. Then she excused me. Thank You, Jesus! God's grace really covered me last night. I really love the Lord! We have to really trust Him with our whole lives. He will surely see us through any trial and testing. Be Blessed.
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