Sunday, August 19, 2007

"Minor" Adjustments

I am in my new room in Gilbert Hall at MU. I didn't know it would be hard to adjust. It seems I'm closer to graduation with every passing day. It makes be feel a bit down to just think about it. The funny thing is that the fall semester hasn't started yet. I'm no longer a Resident Assistant, which provided a nice stream of income for me. I'm glad that I found some great friends in my former colleagues. Liz, Joan, Josh, and Ben are great!! Melissa is a good person, too. This week we'll find some time this week to spend together since they are all in training.

I plan to set up a calender for this semester. I have deadlines to meet both personally and academically. I have to reorganize some of the books for Bible Campus Ministries, the organization of which I'm apart. I also have to purchase round-trip tickets to NYC. My mother and I are visiting the French Culinary Institute on 462 Broadway Avenue. I also have to study and plan for the GRE exam. And I cannot forget the graduate school applications!

I had a wonderful talk with my older brother Brandon today. We were talking about biblical topics like tithes and firstfruits as well as his plans to earn a Ph.D. in theology or in a related field. I visited Joan this afternoon and allowed her to burn some of my CDs on her computer. Some of them included music by CeCe Winans, Kirk Franklin, and Kathy Troccoli.

Overall God has been good to me. He's been keeping me alive thus far. He wakes me up in the morning even when I'd rather stay asleep. This reminds that the lazy love sleep... or the bored which I can be a bit of both sometimes. It's good be in the land of the living. God is greatly to be praised!

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