Thursday, October 04, 2007

There's Been a Change in Me

For the past two weeks I have had a sudden change in my mind. I have never had such a sense of conviction. Just a few months ago I was an idolatrous young man. I was coveting to look like other guys, the muscular athletic type. I would look a pornography on the Internet. I would dream lewd fantasies. Not really God glorifying to say the least. But now something is different. It's not that I feel saved. I know I am saved.

I really want to follow Jesus. There is no turning back. I am on the road to discipleship. Salvation is wonderful the I want to grow in Christ. I want to study the Scriptures for edification. I want to teach others the ways of God. I have visions of preaching the Gospel of Christ. I have visions of ministering to different people from all walks of life. Saved and sinner. Wow, what a mighty God we serve!

Tomorrow is the beginning of fall break. When I come back I start an on-campus job on Wednesday. I have really study for my classes. I want to be diligent student in my last year of undergraduate school. Keep me in your prayers.



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