Saturday, September 15, 2007

A Home in Zion

Is there a home for me in Zion,
That dear, beautiful, wonderful, marvelous City of God?
She's calling me to come up thither unto her and to rest in her arms filled with the love her
She sings songs of hope, joy, compassion, forgiveness,
She sings not of herself, but of the One whose Spirit
emanates from her Bosom.
The glorious Savior has brought her forth
from His precious, bleeding side.
She is the Second Eve, the mother of all living,
her Beloved, the Second Adam.
She shouts songs of praise, victory, and triumph over Death, Hell, and the Grave.
The Evil One is placed under her feet.

She is adorned with precious jewels of mercy and grace.
She is clothed in the Glory of her Father and his Son.
She declares the goodness of her matchless King throughout
the generations.
She is filled with the children of many nations who bear the marks of
persecution and wear precious white garments cleansed in the Blood
of the Risen Lamb from the stains of iniquity.

Heaven and earth shout for the victory of the Master who has brought
His Bride before the throne of grace.
"Rejoice, O Zion," all of creation declares,
"Your King has won the war!"

Zion walks in humility and in grace.
She calls all sinners to repentance and to turn from
their wicked ways and seek forgiveness from the Lord.
Then He shall place them in that beautiful City of Peace.

So as long as I have breath, I find a home in Zion,
That dear, beautiful, wonderful, marvelous City of God.


Cheryl Schatz said...

Jason, I have copied your comment on my blog to this post

I hope that you will come back and post comments at that link and click on the notify option when you comment next so that you can receive an email notification whenever someone posts. I trust that there will be many who hear your heart cry to justice and equality and many will take time to encourage you in Christ!

Do not give up serving God because of anyone who has a chip on their shoulder towards women in ministry. It is what God says that is important not what man says. God's word is fully inspired and when we search carefully and deeply into his word, we find truth and it brings us life. Don't give up! Keep pressing on and God will reward your effort.

Cheryl Schatz said...

Looks like my link didn't fully show up. After the date 2007/09/26 the rest of the link should be matt-slick-and-cheryl-schatz-debate-2
