Saturday, December 02, 2006

Ode to my beautiful Kindred-Spirit Sister, Lindsey Marie Williams

My sister in the Lord, Lindsey Williams is, I believe, one of the most precious gifts to the Body of Christ. The Father thought of a beautiful soul- a wise, discerning woman who would declare the oracles of God is this generation. I have found this in Lindsey. She is definitely marriage potential, but she is taken. I have to be honest, she is incredibly sexy! I mean this not in a lustful way. Lindsey has the whole package- looks, brains, and a fiery spirit! I'm glad God linked me with Lindsey. She is going to be instrumental in the selecting of my future wife and she is a yokefellow in ministry. Her future husband has a huge responsibility in protecting Lindsey and not slowing her down in obeying the voice of the Lord. When the Lord calls Lindsey, she obeys without question!
In the meantime, I have the responsiblity to be a a keeper of my sister, Lindsey. She continues to be a great blessing in my life. She is always challenging me to hear and obey the voice of the Master. God has graced Lindsey with an abundance of wisdom. Through Lindsey I have learned that intimacy with God is the most rewarding experience in the life of the believer. I am forever grateful to God for giving me a sister in Lindsey Marie Williams. Though we may go separate ways in the future, we will never be separate in our spirit. Heavenly Father, continue to bless my sister, Lindsey with all that Your Hand may provide and may You draw her closer to You every day of her life, in Jesus' Name. Amen. I love you Lindsey!

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